Tag Archives: inspirational

How to motivate yourself when you aren’t motivated at all

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Well… Let’s fix this situation right now


I know from first hand that sometimes it is just too difficult to keep going… you feel all your life is crap immerse on depression, failure, lack of money, debts, and while so many people stay stuck on that, others manage it to escape. Every one of us has been depressed and unmotivated for a period of time, it’s exhausting and you only attract more of the bad feelings and situations. Seems a never ending story but you need to get out of that crappy state because no one will help you but yourself.

All these stories about being positive attract positive, think positive, stay positive, all these stuff is in fact TRUE. In the beginning may be hard and almost impossible to get out of your slump but as you practice it will be easier to change your negativity for a better thought for what you must stop beating yourself up saying how unproductive and lazy you are.

FIRST of all, you gotta have the guts to get out of this wrong and unhealthy state. NOTHING will change until you give the first step and start putting some action. Stop feeling pity about yourself, no one cares about it and you need to do what you gotta do. Get up from your chair and start doing. PUT ACTION. We all face obstacles. How you deal with those obstacles defines who you are and determines how successful you are in life.

SECOND of all, we only have one life and our period on this earth is very short to waste it by living from the opinions that others have about us or living someone else’s life. We need to be authentic and do what our hearts tells us to do; it is in there where’s  hidden our true meaning of life. Heart decides and brain makes it happen.

Now follow this easy steps to help you get away from that slump and keep going with your purpose of life.

Remember, ONLY YOU can get up and get out of this miserable feeling.

  1. EAT something healthy like nuts or fruits. Take a vitamin supplement. This will boost your immune system, so much better tan Red-Bull.
  2. Take a shower and take your time. Imagine you are letting all of your worries going out your body.
  3. DO SOME KIND OF WORKOUT. Go for a short or long walk and make sure you bring your headphones and your favorite uplifting music, something that gets you dancing.
  4. Call that friend you can always count and you feel great with, after every conversation.
  5. PRACTICE GRATITUDE. If you are around people think about something you appreciate about them and tell them. Also, think about those things you are grateful for. To be grateful fills you with happiness and happiness is motivating.
  6. Take only 10 min of your day. Great phone apps are “Calm” and “headspace”. Mindfulness and awareness of yourself help you in this hard moments of low-esteem and slump. TRY IT.
  7. SHARE TIME with your family and friends that lift up your wellbeing.
  8. Pick up your phone and go watch your favorite show on youtube. Ellen Degeneres is so good at changing your mood real fast. You should go check her out.
  9. LOCK yourself in a room and get your shit done and don’t go out till you make some progress. Write, create, complete.
  10. NOW PCP = Patience – Consistency – Passion. The way to stay motivated and be successful is by feeling passion for what you do. Focus on your tasks and think about the positive outcomes that bring after achieving them. Setting goals for the current day, writing them down will help you to get things done. Think about what you like or enjoy of doings these tasks. Be patience and be consistent.

Push yourself to do all these steps. You are the owner of your destiny, you decide to let go, you decide to forgive yourself, you decide what your priorities are and if something is not working out well, if you are doing something that you don’t like because it has to be done, suck it up, hurry up and continue working for YOUR goals.


***** Look yourself in a mirror and ask yourself what the heck is it what you wanna do for the rest of your life, AND DO THAT *****


If you find this post helpful don’t hesitate and share it with someone you think can need it 🙂

Wish you all the best,

Monica Sue.

Connect with me on Instagram @createyournewself

Twitter @beyournewself








By Monica Sue

Sometimes it feels there is so little time to do all the things we want to do. There is so many books to read, so many videos to watch, so many information to be aware of, learn and apply.

We find that time is slow when we have to wait but is fast when we’re late.

Time is cruel when we’re sad and short when we’re happy.

Time is endless when we are in pain and long when we’re feeling bored.

So, time is determined by your feelings and your psychological conditions.

I find myself doing 20 tasks in a day, all of them important and I still don’t find enough time to complete them and if you are a parent like me, you will understand how it becomes more difficult to complete all your daily routines. This is the main reason why we NEED to write our To-Do list for the current day.

If you are running against the time, like me, every day, sit down first and grab a pen and a notebook and write only 4 things you urgently need to do (perhaps are more) but for the first try, write down four of the most important tasks that you need to complete in the day and focus on that, you will be glad you accomplished them by the end of the day and this will totally encourage you to write your To-Do list every day with the 4 or 5 more important tasks you need to complete 🙂

See you around.

Have a great day!




How do we attract what we want?

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How do we attract what we want?

By Monica Sue Velasquez

Since I was a teenager (some years ago ;)) I used to write a lot, I was noticing something strange but at the same time amazing while in the process of writing and getting inspired. Yet in this time of growing up, I wasn’t knowing anything at all about the law of attraction or anything near like that. What was happening was that as I was writing fiction stories and novels, I was totally concentrated and focused (in my brain) on the scenes, the colors, some background music,  the characters, the situations… I could imagine everything as a movie and it was pretty real and thrilling. Some of the stories I was writing had descriptions of things that I deeply wanted either to have or to happen to me like to be in a specific place, or to have a specific kind of bedroom, things of teenagers.

So I started noticing something strange for me at that time after writing my stories, I was achieving things that I wanted and later I realized that I wrote some of them; but it wasn’t only because of the writing it was something even more powerful… The emotions! Which I understood years later after discovering and practicing that so many called the law of attraction that I personally don’t like to call it this way but by saying we attract what we want.

Now is not a secret for anybody anymore and we need to know how this apply for us, although this post isn’t about teaching but about showing how do you attract things to your life.

Have you notice when you want to start a new business or activity or you wish to write and publish a book for example and you are focused and concentrated towards what you want, you soon start getting perhaps advice, meeting new people that already have done what you want, you start listening or seeing more about that activity or object that you are pursuing, it’s pretty much like a magnet and this is what make it exciting and gives you the feeling that you are on your way to get it.

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Everything around us right now was once a thought, that means that everything you want now will be a reality later if you stick to it with perseverance. It’s true that we want a lot of things, all at the same time, but if you know yourself well, there are fewer things that you die for having or accomplish. Right now in this moment you have something inside that you need to make come true as soon as possible, perhaps a business idea around your mind or whatever is what your heart desires.

If you want to make it reality you got to be as a teenager again, kids and teenagers don’t see the impossible, for them everything is possible.

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Remember that our minds CREATE and our hearts LEAD. There is no right or wrong for the mind, whatever your heart (feelings and emotions) decide, your mind will find a way to make it. And because our feelings and emotions are leading, we have to enroll the game together. We need to elevate our energy and vibrations because we are energy, you should remember this by far so that our emotions will send to our mind the directions to make what we want possible.

How can we improve our energy and speed up the process of attraction?

It is indeed very easy

  1. Don’t over think it. Don’t push it. Yes, we want the new iPhone but it takes some time to save that money. Let it flow with the next steps.
  2. Be grateful for the things you ALREADY have. By being truly grateful you boost your energy and vibrations.
  3. ENJOY the good music, that music which makes you feel in good mood, the smell of ground coffee (if you are a coffee lover) feel the smell through your brain, enjoy that smell as well as the smell of flowers. This elevates your vibration. Wear clothes with your favorite colors if you’d like, yellow and green are wonderful colors, perhaps you can set a sunflower as your wallpaper on your laptop or phone, the important thing is that you fill yourself with the POSITIVITY that all this brings

Be conscious that when you are enjoying the things you like such as aromas, colors, music, enjoying with your kids and loves ones, this elevates your energy and vibrations, and unconsciously (but conscious) you are attracting what you desire.

  1. And more important, make whatever you can to work towards what you want. You can not obtain it now because perhaps you don’t have the money or the expertise but every small step that you do focusing and concentrating on it, is a step closer. YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING YOU WANT.


Warm regards,

Monica Sue.


Where is our place in the world, who we really are? PART II



Hello, my dear reader, this is the continuation from “Where is our place in the world, who we really are? PART I”

All your life is based on the reasons you have to stay alive, your kids, your family, the person you love, your job; and only by expressing your love for them you can be happy. If you don’t express your love for the things or people you love so you simply can’t be happy.

You must be around the people you really like and love, you must do the job you really enjoy doing.



Your love is unique, no one in the world will love the exact same things you do, something that you hate, another person would die for it. And this is what makes you as you are. You can not love everything with the same intensity, the same way humans can not all have the same personalities and characteristics.

Love is the force that moves the universe.

God loves absolutely everything, He created all that exist. He can not move throughout the universe He is the universe! But you don’t, you are only a piece, and that gives you freedom, the same as your personality, and this is amazing! How every each of us can offer what we have because every one of us are unique!


I want you to do the next exercise with complete honesty to yourself, perhaps you could grab a pen and paper and answer this simple question: What do you REALLY love? What is what you really like to do? Detailed it as much as you can, take a minute or two for this.

Done? Sure?

If you may remember my last post, your life is based on your decisions and everything you do is aiming to your well-being, so now it’s the time to put the pieces together; if you have been honest with yourself, what you have written is exactly your reason to be here. You came to this world to express your love and to do what you love, and what you wrote is what you love and where you have to put your effort with.

So now, life is not easy and is not always shining, we have upside downs naturally and it’s because we walk on the other side… when you are doing things you don’t love but you have to do them because of work or to make someone else happy.

Remember that our brain doesn’t decide for us, our brain CREATES and it’s always our heart the one taking the decisions. There is no right or wrong for the brain, whatever it is he will find the way. It’s within our hearts that we find the answers and the right way.

B e  H a p p y   B e  H e a l t h y

Thank you for being here,

Till my next post

Monica Sue.












Where is our place in the world, who we really are? PART I

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Hello my dear friends, today I want to share with all of you this beautiful and deep subject that I have decided to bring in 2 parts because is extensive and have many details that I don’t want to miss or leave apart.

We are energy, and the energy doesn’t destroy itself but TRANSFORM.

Sometimes we can feel lost and maybe we remain in that “lost” state for a long time. Often we tend to think that life doesn’t have any sense but we have to learn that only we have the power to change our perspective, only us have the power to change our state of mind and choose another way and we do have a motive to be on this earth and hopefully I can help you find it by the end of this reading.

We always put excuses “I’m too old” “is not worthy” “what would others say” “it’s too late” “it’s too early”

Our souls are forever young and this is enough reason for you to do whatever you love, to spend the time with the ones you love.

Life isn’t worthy to spend it on fighting.

We have to realize the value of every moment. Our kids won’t be small all life, they’ll grow up and change.

Why fighting with parents? They are not going to be with us forever.

Everything in our lives depends on decisions, you’re always making decisions in your life, some are very easy like deciding what to have for lunch and others are more transcendent like to leave your work or not and this means that you can change the course of your life at any moment.

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I want you to think about this question… If you wouldn’t need the money, will you go to work? Simply you would not go anymore. When you don’t have the motive to do something, well… you stop doing it, so if you are here is because you have a motive, a reason, but you don’t remember it. Your heart beats every single second because you are telling it that you want to be here!

The decision to be sick, you make it.
The decision of being healthy, you make it.
You have the power by your decisions, by your brain that is our most powerful weapon, your destiny depends only on YOU.


We always want the well-being in everybody, we have an inner instinct to save others and ourselves. If you see someone besides you, walking on the street, and there is a hole in his or her way is very likely that you will say something to avoid an accident.

We want to be healthy, we want to work to have money and to feel we’re serving society, you want friends to share good times, you go to doctor when you’re sick because you want to feel better, we always reach for wellness every time, perhaps the result isn’t that you are better but your intention and what you’re aiming is to achieve the maximum wellness of yourself.

What I want to tell you is that everything you choose to do is for your best, always aiming to your happiness, you didn’t come to this world to suffer but to be happy and the quantity of happiness that you feel right now depends on the quantity of LOVE that you are sharing with others

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To be happy, simply you have to make your decisions being the reflection of what you love the most. Listen to your heart the most of the times you can possibly do.

B e  H a p p y    B e   H e a l t h y

Till my next post,
Monica Sue.